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Index                                    Junio 1969     Volume   02                    Issue   2 Page

Issue dedicated to the IV National Congress of Pathology. Pamplona. May 4-8, 1969 79

Main Report
Introduction to Anatomic Pathology Methodology at the hospital 80-98
Anaya A
Clínica "Puerta de Hierro". Madrid

Some documents relating an Anatomic Pathology Department 99-112
Anaya A
Clínica "Puerta de Hierro". Madrid

Presentation to Official Session
Organization of a Pathology Department at the Hospital "La Paz", in Madrid 113-122
Contreras F, Segura A, Schwarz A, Patrón M
Ciudad Sanitaria "La Paz". Madrid

Free Presentations
Two cases of congenital hepatic fibrosis 123-128
Sanz Ortega E, Menéndez Sánchez J
Clínica "Puerta de Hierro". Madrid
Angetaffinity of ovarian hiliar cells 129-134
Loizaga JM
Ciudad Sanitaria "Virgen del Rocío". Sevilla
Localized nodular synovitis 135-140
González del Castillo J, Loizaga M
Ciudad Sanitaria "Virgen del Rocío". Sevilla


Presentation Abstracts
IV National Congress of Pathology. Pamplona. May 4-8, 1969 148-164
Index                                    Junio 1969     Volume   02                    Issue   2 Page
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