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Index                                    Julio 1975     Volume   08                    Issue   3 Page

Original Articles
Chemodectomas. Its histopathologic signification 165-180
Llombart (senior) A
Facultad de Medicina de Valencia
Autoradiographic study of adrenal cortex regeneration’s after half and one adrenalectomy 181-188
Zamorano Sanabra L, Simón Huarte P, Lucas Escobar AR, Martos Peregrín JA
Facultad de Mdicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Intrapericardic teratoma. Report of a case 189-192
Jordá M, Ramos J, Villanueva A, Tamarit L, Vázquez J
Ciudad Sanitaria "La Fe", Valencia
Ultrastructural study of lymphoplasmatic prolification of palatine tonsil 193-206
Gil-Carcedo y García LM, Ortiz Manchado O, Coca García MªC
Facultad de Medicina de Valladolid
Ultrastructural study of capillary vessels of ciliary processes 207-212
Vaamonde Lemos R, Pizarro de Celis MªC
Facultad de Medicina de Bilbao
Cytology of urethrocytograme 213-220
Haour P, Maillet M
Universidad de París VII. Hospital Fernand Widal
Morphologic alterations in endometrial smears after intrauterine manipulations 221-224
Fons A, Lonjedo L, Grangel L
Hospital Maternal. Ciudad Sanitaria de la Seguridad Social La Fe, Valencia
Fixative effect en enzimatic activities in rat cerebellum 225-232
Toledano A
Instituto Ramón y Cajal, C.S.I.C. Madrid
Specifie inflammatory smears during the first year of a Gynecologic and Col-pocytologic 233-236
Vilaplana Vilaplana E, Oñate Díaz J, Pérez Vázquez JM, García Prieto A, Martínez San Pedro R
Residencia Sanitaria de la Seguridad Social 20 de Noviembre de Alicante

SEC News
"Luis Montalvo" Prizes 238

  III Meeting of East and SouthEast aareas of Spanish Society of Anatomic Pathology that took place in Cartagena on the 22ns of February, 1975. Minutes of the National Assembly of the Society, held in Malaga, on the 28th of May, 1975 240-248
Index                                    Julio 1975     Volume   08                    Issue   3 Page
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