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Abril-Junio 1985
Volume 18
Issue 2
Llombart Bosch A
Presidente de la SEAP (junio 1977-mayo 1985)
The National Commission of Pathology. At the end of a stage
Capote de Armas LF
Ex-Secretario de la Comisión Nacional de A.P.
Original Articles
Theory of evolution and anatomic pathology
Doerr W
Universidad de Heidelberg. Alemania, República Federal
Papillary carcinoma. Morphological, epidemiological and biological aspects
Löhrs U
Universidad de Munich. Alemania, República Federal
Palabras Clave: thyroid papillary carcinoma, frequency in goiter and non goiter areas, prognosis, morphology
Hürthle-cell tumors
González Cámpora R, Herrero Zapatero A, Galera H
Hospital Universitario de Sevilla. Residencia Sanitaria Nuestra Señora de Covadonga. Oviedo
Palabras Clave: Hürthle-cell tumors, review, biological dignity, prognosis, ultrastructure
Anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid gland
Matilla A
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Málaga
Palabras Clave: thyroid carcinoma, anaplastic, large cell, small cell, PAP stain
Thiroglobuline-identification in thyroid tumors
Martín-Lacave I, González Cámpora R, López Garrido J, Rodríguez Fernández A, Galera H
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Sevilla
Palabras Clave: thyroglobulin, thyroids, carcinomas, ademonas
Cytologic diagnosis of cold thyroid nodule by fine-needle aspiration biopsy
De Agustín P, Pérez Barrios A, Hoyos Sánchez M, Blázquez Rovira P, Delgado del Castillo JL
Hospital "1º de Octubre". Madrid
Palabras Clave: aspiration biopsy (pucture), thyroid, cold nodule
Pathology of malignant tumors of the thyroid gland in a geographical area of low goitrogenic incidence. A study of 124 cases
Navarro-Fos S, Almenar S, Varo J, Vera Sempere FJ, Juan Bordón A, Llombart Bosch A
Hospital Clínico Universitario. Valencia
Palabras Clave: thyroid gland, papillary carcinoma, epidemiology, immunohistochemistry
Surgical thyroid pathology of the department of pathology «Virgen del Camino» Hospital Pamplona from 1975-1984; its geographical provenience in the Navarra province
Montes M, Puras A, García de Jalón J, Guarch R, Ruiz de Azúa Y, Romeo I, Urbiola E
Hospital "Virgen del Camino". Pamplona
Palabras Clave: goiter, endemic goiter, hyperplasia, thyroid
Experimental Thyroid Tumors. Inmunohistochemical and autoradio-graphical studies
Permanetter W
Institute of Pathology. University of Munich. Alemania, República Federal
Palabras Clave: thyroid carcinoma, experimentation, rats, immunoperoxiase, keratin, thyroglobulin
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
Goncalves V
Facultad de Medicina. Oporto. Portugal
Palabras Clave: Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Rosai-Dorfman disease. A study of 8 cases. Clinico-morphological and immunocytochemical considerations
Rivas C, Oliva H, Martin C, Moragas A, Sarasa JL, Abad JA, Calderín F, Villalobos E, Boixados JR, Castro A, Benítez P
Club Español de Linfomas. Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid
Palabras Clave: immune response, histiocytic, AcM, xanthomatosis, differential diangosis
Infantile erythrophagocytic syndrome
Moragas A, Forteza J, Acevedo A
Ciudades Sanitarias "Valle de Hebrón", Barcelona, Instituto Catalán de la Salud, "Juan Canalejo", La Coruña, y "La Paz", Madrid, del Instituto Nacional de la Salud
Palabras Clave: hemophagocytosis, erythrophagocytosis, lymphophagocytosis, histiocitosis familiar
Case Report
Bone marrow metastasis of lung cancer
Soudah B, Spindler B, Nicolai U, Georgii A
Institut Medizinische Hochschule Hannover. Alemania R.F.
Palabras Clave: bronchial carcinoma, metastasis, bone marrow, prospective, retrospective, bioptic and necroptic studies
Incidence of intestinal metaplasia and subtypes in gastrectomy specimen resected for gastric carcinoma and gastric ulcers
Salete M, Silva N, Filipe MI
Hospital Civil de Lisboa. Portugal. Guy's Hospital. Londres. Reino Unido
Palabras Clave: intestinal metaplasia, incidence, correlation with tumor-types, ulcers, stomach
Sweat-gland carcinomas
Morente M, Piris MA, Rodríguez-Merlo R, Orradre JL, Rubio C
Hospital Virgen de la Salud. Toledo
Palabras Clave: cutaneous tumors, sweat-gland carcinoma, immunohistochemistry, carcinoembryonic antigen, S-100, CRIS.1 protein
Paratesticular sarcomas
Lopes JM, Magalhaes F, Sobrinho Simoes M
Facultad de Medicina, Hospital San Joao, Porto. Portugal
Tumor-Pathology of the craneal intestinal stomodeum and the cloacal proctodeum of the caudal intestine
Vilanova JA, Simón-Marín R, Zabalza JM, Arrinda JM, Rivera-Pomar JM
Hospital de Cruces, Baracaldo. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao
Palabras Clave: mucous-membrane neoplams, ecto-endodermal, craneal intestine, foregut-stomodeum, cloacal proctodeum
Angiosarcoma of the mammary gland. Optical and ultrastructural study of 2 cases
Ortega Serrano MP, Vargas Castrillón J, Garzón Martín A, Martínez González MA, Madero García S, Oñate Cuchet JM, Pérez Barrios A
Ciudad Sanitaria "1º de Octubre". Madrid
Palabras Clave: angiosarcoma, breast tumor, ultraestructure
Malignant neuroepithelioma (peripheral neuroblastoma). About a case in a 14 year-old boy
Arrinda JM, Zabalza IE, Ortega FJ, Bilbao FJ, Vilanova J, Rivera-Pomar JM
Hospital de Cruces, Cruces, Baracaldo. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao
Palabras Clave: malignant neuroepithelioma, peripheral neuroblastoma
A case of a thymolipoma, histogenesis, ultrastructure
Zabalza IE, Arrinda JM, González del Tanago J, Rivera-Pomar JM
Hospital de Cruces, Cruces, Baracaldo. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao
Palabras Clave: thymolipoma, histogenesis, ultrastructure
Renal graft rejection: a microscopic and ultrastructural analysis of 20 cases
Vargas Castrillón J, Nieto J, Ortuño MT, Martínez González MA, Garzón Martín A, Ortega Serrano MP, Madero García S, Oñate Cuchet JM
Ciudad Sanitaria "1º de Octubre". Madrid
Palabras Clave: graft-rejection, kidney, morphology, clinical correlation
Pseudoneoplastic granulomatous and sclerosing appendicitis
Ortego J, Queralt C, Parra P, Soria J, Lázaro J, Ramón y Cajal S
Hospital Clínico Universitario. Zaragoza
Palabras Clave: appendicitis, pseudoneoplasm, granuloma, fibroplasia
Intestinal lesions produced by ferrous sulphate. Presentation of a case and experimental study in the rat
Vaquero Pérez M, Granell Vincent J, Alonso Puig M
Hospital General de Segovia
Palabras Clave: ferrous sulphate, toxicity, experimental reproduction, small bowel
Congenital nephrotic syndrome-precocious infantile nephrotic syndrome
Vázquez Martul E, González Cuesta M, Capdevila Puerta A
Ciudad Sanitaria "Juan Canalejo". La Coruña
The use of immunocytochemistry in neuroendocrine pathology
Ballesta J, Pastor LM, Hernández F, Polak JM
Facultad de Medicina. Murcia. Royal Postgraduate Medical School. Hammersmith Hospital. Londres
Palabras Clave: immunocytochemistry, neuroendocrine tumors, tumor markers
Thymic alympboplasia and congenital agranulocyosis (reticular dysgenesia)
López de Miguel R, Flores Serrano J, Cañigral Ferrando G
Hospital del Insalud "Virgen de los Lirios", Alcoy, Alicante
Palabras Clave: reticular dysgenesia, immunodeficiency
Pathology Today
Pathology’s perspectives in the future
Johannessen JV
Presidente de la European Society of Pathology. Columbia University. Nueva York, Estados Unidos
Third German-Spanish Meeting and Seventh Spanish-Portuguese Meeting of Pathology. Madrid, October 14-17th, 1984
Abril-Junio 1985
Volume 18
Issue 2
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