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Julio-Septiembre 1986
Volume 19
Issue 3
Special Collaboration
Special report. Mediators of local inflamatory response in immunologic glomerular injuries
Mampaso FM
Centro Ramón y Cajal, Madrid
Original Articles
IgA nephropathy. Pronostic factors in the progression to renal insufficiency
Río M, Giménez A, Gonzalo A, Mampaso F
Centro Ramón y Cajal, Madrid
Palabras Clave: IgA nephropathy, prognostic factors, hematuria-proteinuria syndrome, glomerular sclerosis
Ependymomas. A study by tissue culture
Escalona Zapata J, Fernández Rojano C, Alvarez Fernández E, Díez Nau MD
Hospital Provincial de Madrid
Palabras Clave: ependymoma, tissue culture, microcinematography
Cervical lymphangiomas. A study of 49 cases
Iñiguez L, Razquin S, Prada C, Fregenal J, Regadera J, Nistal M
Hospital "La Paz". Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Autónoma. Madrid
Palabras Clave: lymphangioma, neck tumors, pediatric neoplasms
Spindle cell lipoma. Report of two cases
Carpintero Sáiz ML, Borrego Pintado H, Anllo Vento F, Aparicio Duque R, Villar Negro A
Hospital Río Hortega. Valladolid
Palabras Clave: spindle cells lipoma, soft tissues, lipomatous tumors
Textural analysis of the ventricular myocardium in pressure and volume overload cardiomegaly
García MM, Moragas A, Sans M, De Torres IM
Hospital "Valle de Hebrón" y Facultad de Medicina Autónoma de Barcelona
Palabras Clave: textural analysis, cardiomegaly, pressure-overload, volumen-overload
Experimental Pathology
Cytogenetic study of human and experimental tumors in clonogenic cultures
Pellín Pérez A, Boyer P, Benard J, Boix Ferrero J, Gregori Romero M
Facultad de Medicina de Valencia. Institut Gustave Roussy. Villejuif. Francia
Palabras Clave: cancer cytogenetics, clonogenic cultures
Carcinogenesis in experimental vesicosigmoidostomy
Núñez Núñez R, Alonso Martín MJ, Ruiz de la Hermosa J, Ramos Fernández de Soria R, Blesa Sánchez E, Gómez de Tejada R
Hospital Materno Infantil de Badajoz. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Extremadura
Vitreous hemorrhage after perforating wounds of the posterior pole in rabbits eyes. A histopathological study
Cuevas Alvarez J, Beiras Iglesias A, Forteza Vila J, García Caballero T, Fernández-Vigo J, Cuevas E, Ponte F
Hospital General de Galicia. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Santiago
Case Report
Polypold heterotopic gastric mucosa of ileum
Ramón y Cajal Agüeras S, Ordi J, Martín L, Alonso C, Cortés JMª
Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid
Palabras Clave: heterotopic gastric mucosa, ileon, intussuscepcion
Low-grade polymorphous adenocarcinoma of palatale salivary gland report of a case
Ríos Mitchell MJ, Plaza Más L, Hernández Altemir F, Gimeno Esteras E, Garcés Situ I
Hospital "Miguel Servet". Zaragoza
Palabras Clave: salivary gland, polymorphous adenocarcinoma, well differentiated papillary adenocarcinoma
Carcinoma of the breast with pseudosarcomatous metaplasia
Ludeña MD, Ramos A, Serrano E, Parra C, Bullón A
Hospital Clínico Universitario. Salamanca
Palabras Clave: breast carcinoma, pseudosarcomatous metaplasia
Multilobated cell lymphoma
Andrada Becerra E, Rafel i Ribas E, Jordá i Heras MM, Gavilán Carrasco F
Hospital "Virgen del Rocío". Sevilla
Palabras Clave: multilobated cell lymphoma, lymhoma B cell type, immunohistochemistry, lymphoma, ultrastructure
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease. A morphometric, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of a case
Cañada M, Ayerza MªA, Andrada E, López S, Descalzo A
Ciudad Sanitaria "Virgen del Rocío". Sevilla
Palabras Clave: pulmonary veno-occlusive disease, pulmonary venous lesions, pulmonary hypertension, immune complexes, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
Julio-Septiembre 1986
Volume 19
Issue 3
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