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Julio-Septiembre 1989
Volume 22
Issue 3
Editorial I: Four years in the SEAP Presidentship
Oliva H
Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid
Editorial II: Past, present, and future of Spanish Cytopathology
de Agustin de Agustin P
Hospital "Doce de Octubre". Madrid
Original Articles
Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis. Clinical and Pathological Studies of Ten Cases
Dominguez Iglesias F, Garcia Garcia JM, Losa JL., Herrero Zapatero A
Hospital "Nuestra Señora de Covadonga". Oviedo
Palabras Clave: allergic alveolitis, pathology
Case Report
Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia Following ACTH Therapy. Report of a Case
Losa JL, Fresno M, Ablanedo P, Herrero A
Hospital "Nuestra Señora de Covadonga". Oviedo
Palabras Clave: Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia, corticosteroids, West syndrome, immunmodeficiency
Original Articles
Histological Lesions of Wegener's Disease in the Rinosinusal Tract
Martí E, Carrera M, Bella R, Guionnet N, Bernat R, Izquierdo A, Miró N
Hospital de Bellvitge "Princeps d'Espanya", Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona.
Palabras Clave: Wegener's disease, vasculitis, sinusitis
Significance of Lauren Gastric Cancer Classification. Revision of 295 Cases from a High Risk Area
Sanz Anquela JM, Ruiz Liso JM, Rodriguez Manzanilla L, Alfaro Torres J, Almajano Martínez C, Cuervas-Mons Finat M, Morte García L
Hospital del INSALUD. Soria.
Palabras Clave: gastric cancer, histology, incidence, envirmental risk
Gastric Xanthomatosis. Double Origin of the Foam Cells: Smooth Muscle and Mononuclear Phagocytic System
Coma y del Corral MJ, Vazquez JJ, Arencibia LL
Hospital "General Yagüe" de Burgos. Universidad de Navarra.
Palabras Clave: xanthoma, xanthomatosis, células espumosas
Tubular and Villous Polyps of the Large Intestine. A Comparative Study in Asturias
Garcia Garcia DMª, Rodrigo Sáez L, Argüelles Toraño M
Hospital de Cabueñes, Gijón. Hospital "Nuestra Señora de Covadonga". Oviedo
Palabras Clave: polyps, large intestine, rectum
Case Report
Fibrolamellar Hepatocarcinoma: Report of a New Case with Cytological Study
Redondo Martínez E, Rey López A, Perera Molinero AJ, Hernández Romero J, Martín Marcos J
Hospital "Nuestra Señora del Pino". Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Palabras Clave: aspiration-biopsy, cytology, hepatocarcinoma, fibrolamellar
Original Articles
Hitiocitoid Hemangioma and Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma: Histhology, Immunohistochemistry and Ultraestructural Study of Eleven Cases
Garcia Tamayo J, Ruiz MªE
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas. Venezuela
Palabras Clave: tumor, epithelioid, hemangioma, histiocytoid, hemangioendothelioma
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma: Clinical and Pathological Correlation in 16 Cases
Fernández-González AL, Fernández-González S, Pardo-Mindán FJ
Clínica Universitaria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Navarra
Palabras Clave: histiocytoma, bone neoplasms, soft tissue neoplasms
Case Report
Clear Cell Sarcoma (Soft Tissue Melanoma): Report of a Case
Fachal Bermúdez C, Ruiz Villaespesa A, Burgos Lizáldez E
Hospital "La Paz", Madrid
Palabras Clave: clerar cell sarcoma, soft tissue melanoma, immunohistochemistry, ultrastructure
Original Articles
lmmunohistochemistry Support the Schwann Cell Origin of the So-Called Granular Cell Tumor
Ruiz-Sauri A, Pérez-Bacete M, Almenar-Medina S, Llombart-Bosch A
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Valencia. Instituto Valenciano de Oncología
Palabras Clave: granular cell tumor, Schwann cell tumor, immunohistochemistry
Case Report
Extrarrenal Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors. An Optic, Immunohistochemical and Ultrastructural Study
Palacios Calvo J, Rodriguez Peralto JL, Burgos Lizáldez E, Isla Guerrero A, Patrón Romero M, Contreras Rubio F
Hospital "La Paz". Madrid. Hospital de Jerez de la Frontera
Palabras Clave: malignant rhabdoid tumor, extrarrenal incidence, ultrastructure, immunohistochemistry
Choroidal Neurinoma
Escandón Alvarez J, Suárez Massá MD, Vergara Calvo E, Sanz Ortega E
Clínica Puerta de Hierro, Madrid
Palabras Clave: neurinoma, choroid
Amyloid Tracheal Tumour with Extratracheal Extension
Martinez Onsurbe P, Nistal Martin de Serrano M, Rodriguez Paniagua JM, Santana Acosta A
Hospital "La Paz", Madrid
Palabras Clave: tracheal amyloidosis, localized amyloidosis
Primary Thyroid Lymphoma, Report of a Case
Saavedra MP, Arrieta FJ, Rivas MC, Lobo C, Requejo R, Oliva Aldámiz H, Herrera Pombo JL
Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Palabras Clave: primary thyroid lymphoma, mucous associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
Original Articles
A critical assessment of the submitted abstracts for the SEAP XlVth National Congress
Pardo Mindán FJ, Herrero Zapatero A, Figols Ladrón de Guevara J, Galera Davidson H, Prat Diaz de Losada J
Comité Científico de la SEAP
Palabras Clave: meeting abstracts, critical evaluation
Letters to the Editor
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
Sarasa Corral JL, de Campos Gutiérrez JM, Oliva Aldámiz H, Martín Jiménez L
Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Madrid
Intravascular bronchioalveolar tumor or pulmonary epithelioid hemangioentothelioma
Fraga Fernández J
Hospital La Princesa. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Intravascular bronchioalveolar tumor or pulmonary epithelioid hemangioentothelioma
Marigil Gómez MA, Vera Álvarez J, Abascal Agorreta M
Hospital General "San Jorge". Huesca
Latin American Pathology Foundation. Newsletter 28. January 1989
In Memoriam
Baron Ludo Van Bogaert (1887-1989)
Miranda Nieves G, Ricoy Campo JR
Hospital Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla. Hospital 12 de Octubre. Madrid
Dr. Lorenzo Galindo
Prat J
Hospital de la Santa Cruz y San Pablo. Barcelona
Book review
General and special pathology of neoplasms. F.J. Pardo Mindan, Published by Cientifico-Medica, Barcelona, 1988, 355 pages.
Vázquez JJ
In Memoriam
Jose Ernesto Beltran Santiesteban (1942-1989)
El Comité Editorial
Julio-Septiembre 1989
Volume 22
Issue 3
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