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Index                                    Enero-Marzo 1992     Volume   25                    Issue   1 Page

Reliable and fraudulent studies of Sternberg cell 1-8
Oliva Aldamiz H
Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Universidad Autónoma. Madrid

Original Articles
The CC-49 experimental hepatocellular carcinoma 9-17
Martínez-Lorente A, Gil-Benso R, Gregori-Romero MA, Pérez-Bacete M, Pellin-Pérez A, Peydro-Olaya A, Llombart-Bosch A
Facultad de Medicina. Universitat de Valencia
Palabras Clave: liver carcinogenesis, experimental carcinogenesis, 2'acetylaminofluorene
Effects of chronic alcoholism on the association areas of the brain 19-28
Urbiola Marcilla E, y Gonzalo Sanz LM
Hospital "Reina Sofía". Tudela, Navarra. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona
Palabras Clave: chronic alcoholism, temporal lobe, cerebral cortex, association areas
Hamartoma of the breast 29-35
Ruiz A, Fuentes E, Palacios J, Suárez A
Hospital Príncipe de Asturias. Alcalá de Henares. Madrid. Hospital "La Paz". Madrid
Palabras Clave: hamartoma, breast, benign tumor

Techniques in Pathology
Cytomegalovirus hepatitis demonstrated by the polymerase chain reaction 37-40
Alonso C
New England Medical Center. Tufts University School of Medicine. Boston. EEUU
Palabras Clave: PCR, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis

Case Report
Epidermoid cyst of the ovary 41-44
Vierna J, Hernández-Aznar JF
Hospital "Virgen de los Lirios". Alcoy. Alicante
Palabras Clave: ovarian tumor, gonadal tumor, epidermoid cyts, monodermal teratoma
Medulloblastoma cells in monolayer cell culture. Morphological evidence of ependymal differentiation 45-48
Gonçalves V, Pina R
Medical School. S. Joâo Hospital. Porto. Portugal
Palabras Clave: medulloblastoma, cell culture, immunocytochemistry, ultrastructure
Myelopathy in AIDS 49-52
Jáuregui I, Monzón F, Córdoba A, Santamaría M, Tuñón T
Hospital de Navarra. Pamplona
Palabras Clave: vacuolar myelopthy, AIDS

Brief Report
Paratesticular pseudotumor fibrous 53-55
Rodríguez-Fernández AM, Sevilla-Chica FI
Hospital General del Insalud. Cáceres
Paratesticular sclerosing lipogranuloma 57-58
Vargas J, Argüelles M, de Prada I, Usera G, de Agustín P
Hospital "12 de Octubre". Madrid
Diverticular disease of the vermiform appendix. Report of five cases 59-60
Remezal M, López JA, Ortega L, Sanz J
Hospital Clínico de San Carlos. Madrid

Demonstrative Cases
Pneumocystis carinii infection involving the myocardium 61-62
Lewis W
UCLA School of Medicine. Center for the Health Sciences. Los Angeles, CA. EEUU
Nephrogenic adenoma occurring within a urethral diverticulum 63-65
Young RH
Harvard Medical School and the James Wright Pathology Laboratories of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston, Massachusetts. EEUU

SEAP 1992 Annual Meeting


Other Scientific Activities
Index                                    Enero-Marzo 1992     Volume   25                    Issue   1 Page
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