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Index                                    Abril-Junio 1993     Volume   26                    Issue   2 Page

Original Articles
Expression of cytoskeletal proteins in human meningiomas 89-94
Conde B, Alcalá A, Sinués E, Ruidíaz M, Gascón A, Caballero A
Facultad de Medicina. Zaragoza
Palabras Clave: human meningioma, GFAP, vimentin, cytokeratin, immunohistochemistry
Renal tissue fluorescence in cortical necrosis induced by Mitomycin C 95-98
Sáinz-Maza ML, Blanco-García C, Val-Bernal JF, Garijo-Ayensa MF, Gómez-García L
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Cantabria. Hospital Nacional "Marqués de Valdecilla". Santander
Palabras Clave: kidney, cortical necrosis, mitomycin-C, fluorescence

Techniques in Pathology
Kerosene, turpentine and acetone, heat dehidration and clearing intechnics of paraffin inclusion and stains 99-102
Alba-Fernandez R, Aquino-Lora J
Hospital Central FF.AA. y P.N. República Dominicana
Palabras Clave: techniques, paraffin inclusion, stains
Non-radiactive in situ hybridization for the detection of numerical chromosome aberrations 103-111
Tabernero MD, Ríos A, San Miguel JF, Orfao A
Universidad de Salamanca
Palabras Clave: in situ hydridization, centromeric probes, technique

Morphological basis of prostatic hyperplasia development 113-119
Algaba F
IUNA - Fundación Puigvert, Barcelona
Myoepithelial cell and pericyte. A comparative study 121-126
López JI
Hospital de Basurto. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad del País Vasco/EHU. Bilbao, Vizcaya
Palabras Clave: myoepithelial cell, pericyte, position, epigenesis, phylogeny, ontogeny

Case Report
Simultaneous presence of hepatic leishmainiasis and cyanamide-induced inclusions 127-129
Marigil-Gómez MA, Abascal-Agorreta M, Vera-Alvarez J, Aznar-Muñoz R, Montoro-Huguet M
Hospital General "San Jorge". Huesca
Palabras Clave: cyanamide, hepatocyte inclusion bodies, leishmaniasis
Giant cell fibroblastoma of soft tissue 131-135
Sabater-Marco V, Martorell-Cebollada M
Hospital General Universitario. Valencia
Palabras Clave: giant cell fibroblastoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, soft tissue, immunohistochemistry, ultrastructural study
Adenomatoid tumor of the ovary 137-140
Claros I, Menéndez L, Ferrer-Barriendos J, Solís JL, Argüelles M
Hospital "Carmen y Severo Ochoa", Cangas de Narcea. Hospital de Cabueñes, Gijón. Univesidad de Oviedo
Palabras Clave: adenomatoid tumor, ovary, mesothelioma
Small cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis 141-146
Sola JJ, Contreras-Mejuto F, Robledo MC, Pardo-Mindán FJ
Clínica Universitaria. Universidad de Navarra
Palabras Clave: oat cell carcinoma, kidney
Aneurysmal ("angiomatoid") fibrous histiocytoma 147-150
Tresserra F, Tarroch X, Domingo A, Forcada P, González-Pont G, Salas A
Hospital Mutua de Terrassa, Terrassa, Barcelona
Palabras Clave: aneurismal fibrous histiocytoma, fibrous histiocytoma, skin tumors

Brief Report
Acceptance of the PAAF. A survey to the patients 151-153
Rey-López A, Martín-Rodríguez M, Redondo-Martínez E
Hospital Ntra. Sra. del Pino, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Demonstrative Cases
Hepatitis B associated membranous nephropathy 155-157
Abt AB
The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of the Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, PA, EEUU
Well dlfferentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma ("carcinoid") of the kidney 159-162
Stahl DJ, de Young BR, Wick MR
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, EEUU

Book review
Anatomic Pathology Laboratory. Raimundo Gomez del Moral et al. Ed. Interamericana/McGraw-Hill, Madrid 1993. 600 pages 163-164
Oliva Aldamiz H
Fundación Jiménez Díaz. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Letters to the Editor
Consultation between pathologists. Answer to Dr. Horacio Oliva (Patologia 1992; 25: 277) 165
Vera Román JM
Hospital General de Castelló, Castelló de la Plana


Other Scientific Activities
Index                                    Abril-Junio 1993     Volume   26                    Issue   2 Page
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