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Octubre-Diciembre 1996
Volume 29
Issue 4
Pardo Mindán J
Clínica Universitaria. Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona.
Original Articles
Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis (Kikuchi’s disease). Morphological analysis of three cases with special attention to differential diagnosis
Veiga-González M, Fresno-Forcelledo MF, Pérez del Río MJ, Triviño-López A, Riera Velasco JR, Herrero- Zapatero A
Hospital Central de Asturias. Hospital Carmen y Severo Ochoa, Cangas de Narcea. Hospital Valle del Nalón. Asturias
Palabras Clave: Kikuchi's disease, necrotizing lymphadenitis, Kikuchi's lymphadenitis, apoptosis, bcl-2
HMB-45 reactivity in pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (Bednar tumor). Relationship with cellular blue nevus
Huguet P, Lorenzo R, Bosch R
Vall d'Hebron Hospitals. Universitat Autonoma. Barcelona
Palabras Clave: skin, pigmented dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, cellular blue nevus, immunohistochemistry, HMB-45
Prognostic value of the immunohistochemical detection of p53 protein in non small cell lung carcinoma
Suárez-Aliaga B, López-G. Asenjo JA, Sanz-Esponera J, Torres A, Maestro M, Cogolludo F
Hospital Universitario San Carlos
Palabras Clave: p53, lung carcinoma, prognostic, immunohistochemistry
Case Report
Primary malignant lymphoma of bone: report of four cases
Fernández-Aceñero MJ, Martín-Rodilla C, Ortega-Medina L, Sanz-Esponera J
Hospital Clínico Universitario San Carlos. Madrid
Palabras Clave: primary lymphoma, bone, large cell lymphoma, lymphoblastic lymphoma, Ewing's sarcoma
Original Articles
Technical, diagnostic and research factors applied to lymphoid pathology. A survey of the opinion of 47 spanish pathologists
Alvaro-Naranjo T, Piris-Pinilla MA, Campo-Güerri E
Hospital Verge de la Cinta, Tortosa (Tarragona). Hospital Virgen de la Salud, Toledo. Hospital Clínico Provincial, Barcelona
Palabras Clave: lymph nodes, tissue processing, lymphoma, hematopathology
Pulmonary metastases of osteosarcoma. Prognostic factors
Vega F, Sierrasesúmaga L, Panizo A, Díaz L, Foncillas J
Clínica Universitaria. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona
Palabras Clave: osteosarcoma, pulmonary metastases, prognostic factors
Heat shock proteins (HSPs) in the central nervous system: involvement in neurodegenerative process
Rodríguez JJ, Rivas L, Carrillo MA, Oroza MA, Toledano A
Université de Bordeaux II. Bordeaux, Francia. Hospital Ramón y Cajal. Instituto Ramón y Cajal (CSIC). Madrid. España
Palabras Clave: heat shock proteins, heat shock response, neurodegeneration, cellular pathology, CNS
Techniques in Pathology
Adaptation of MIB-1 antibody to an immunohistochemical technique based upon the capillary action principle
Curiel I, Gómez F, Corcuera MT, Roldán M, Picazo A, Muñoz E, Alonso MJ
Centro Nacional de Investigación Clínica y Medicina Preventiva. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid.
Palabras Clave: immunohistochemistry methods, MIB-1, cell proliferation
Case Report
Gliosarcoma with osteoblastic and condroblastic differentiation
Alameda F, Corominas JM, Galitó E, Guardiola MJ, Serrano S
Hospital del Mar. Barcelona
Palabras Clave: cerebral tumours, gliosarcoma, extraskeletal osteosarcoma
Columnar Papilloma of the bronchus
Manjón-Haces JA, García-Miralles MT, Alvarez-Velicia MP, González del Rey MC, Folqueras-Sánchez MV
Hospital Central de Asturias. Oviedo
Palabras Clave: bronchial papillomas, columnar cells, cytology, biopsy
Endocervicosis of the urinary bladder: A benign müllerian lesion that may mimic adenocarcinoma
Antón-Badiola I, de la Fuente-Buceta A, Ortiz-Rey JA, Zungri-Telo E, Meijide-Rico F, Tardaguila-Montero F
Policlínico de Vigo (Povisa). Vigo
Palabras Clave: urinary bladder, endocervicosis, Mullerian lesions, pathology
Atipical adenomyoma of the uterus
Triviño A, Argüelles J, Fernández JL, Claros-González IJ, Camblor A, Almodovar V, Díez I, Seco-Navedo M
Hospital Cangas de Narcea. Hospital Alvarez Buylla (Mieres). Hospital Covadonga. Oviedo
Palabras Clave: atypical adenomyoma, uterus
Uterine cervical microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma involving mesonephric remnants
Velasco J, Menéndez CL, Solares C, Blanco T, Monte C
Hospital San Agustín. Avilés. Clínica Ginecológica de la Dra. Blanco
Palabras Clave: mesonephric remnants, microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma, cervical condiloma
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the ovary associated with a monodermal benign teratoma (dermoid cyst)
Velasco FJ, Jiménez MC, Amérigo J
Hospital Torrecárdenas. Almería
Palabras Clave: rhabdomyosarcoma, dermoid cyst, ovary, histogenesis
Brief Report
Utility of image analysis for NADPH-DH activity quantification in axons of molecularlayerof AZT treated rat cerebellum
Corcuera-Pindado MT, Gómez-Aguado F, Picazo-Talavera A, Roldán-Contreras M, Alonso-Martín MJ
Centro Nacional de Investigación Clínica y Medicina Preventiva. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid.
Methodologic requirements for optimal use of image analysis and its future
Toledano A
Instituto Cajal, CSIC. Madrid
Biotin-containing nuclear inclusions in postpartum endometrium resembling herpes virus infection
García-Hernández F, Carrasco MA, Marco V
Hospital General de Catalunya. Sant Cugat del Vallés. Barcelona
Lymphomas Club
The future of hematopathology
Oliva-Aldamiz H
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Book review
Respiratory and pleural citopathology. J. Fariña González y J. Rodríguez-Costa
Jiménez-Ayala M
Academia Internacional de Citología
Authors index
Patologia vol.29, 1996
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Patologia vol.29, 1996
Octubre-Diciembre 1996
Volume 29
Issue 4
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