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Enero-Marzo 2001
Volume 34
Issue 1
Original Articles
Expression and localization of HSP 70 and HSP 27 in human breast tumors
Ramírez JR, Ortiz S, Valenzuela M, Durán V, Cabello G, Lobato I, Botella S, Botella LM
Hospital Militar Gómez Ulla, Madrid. Hospital Naval del Mediterráneo, Cartagena. Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile. Hospital Juan Noé, Arica, Chile. Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, CSIC, Madrid
Palabras Clave: hsp70, hsp27, breast cancer, malignancy, cellular proliferation
Noninvasive ovarian serous tumors with a micropapillary pattern
Weil Lara B, Martínez Martín MS
Hospital Carlos Haya. Málaga
Palabras Clave: ovary, serous borderline tumor, micropapillary serous carcinoma
Retrospective study of cervical smears diagnosed as dysplasia despite lack of histological confirmation. Diagnostic problems
San Miguel P, Gómez C, Reguera M, Canal C, Antón I, Ortiz-Rey JA, Álvarez C, de la Fuente A
Centro Medico Povisa. Vigo
Palabras Clave: quality control, cytology, sampling error, interpretative error, dysplasia
Case Report
Metanephric adenoma. Report of a case with perinephric fat infiltration
Bouso M, Parra L, Valérdiz CS, Limeres MA, Madrid J
Hospital del Bierzo, Ponferrada. Leon
Palabras Clave: metanephric adenoma, pseudoinfiltration, kidney
Primary angiosarcoma of the right auricle. A case study and review of the literature
Torres Olivera FJ, Lag Asturiano E, Torres Gómez FJ, Gallego García de Vinuesa P, Pérez Duarte E, Font Cabrera JI
Hospital Universitario Virgen de La Macarena, Sevilla
Palabras Clave: angiosarcoma, heart, cardiac angiosarcoma, primary cardiac tumors
Aneurysmal or hemorrhagic dermatofibroma
Álvarez Fernández JG, Polimon Olabarrieta I, Acevedo Barbera A, Zomeño Gómez M, Ruiz Rodríguez R
Clínica Ruber. Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre. Madrid
Palabras Clave: dermatofibroma, anurysmal fibrous histiocytoma, hemarrhagic fibrous histiocytoma, hemosiderotic histiocytoma, hemangioma
Cytologic characteristics by fine-needle aspiration of epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of the parotid gland
Gimeno Aranguez M, Lacruz Pelea C
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón
Palabras Clave: salivary gland, epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma, cytology, FNA
TSH-secreting pituitary microadenoma: Morphological study following treatment with lanreotide
Niveiro M, Meoro A, Chulia MT, Ortega E, Pico A, Aranda FI
Hospital General Universitario de Alicante
Palabras Clave: thyrotropin-secreting pituitary adenoma, thyrotropic adenoma, lanreotide
Plasmacytoid transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. A case report and review of literature
Toledo G, Gracia A, Panizo A, Pardo J
Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. Pamplona
Palabras Clave: urinary bladder, transitional cell carcinoma, plasmacytoid, differential diagnosis, immunohistochemistry
Molecular Pathology
Proteomics techniques (I)
Panizo-Santos A, Roberts D, Merino MJ
Clínica Universitaria de Navarra, Pamplona. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, EEUU
Brief Report
Basal ceil carcinoma with trichomatrical differentiation. An unusual aspect in a common tumor
Solís García E, Moreno Torres A, Rodríguez Enríquez B, Sánchez Sánchez-Vizcaíno J
Hospital Infanta Margarita. Cabra. Córdoba
Solitary vulvar steatocystoma: An unusual localization
Solís García E, Moreno Torres A, Rodríguez Enríquez B, Sánchez Sánchez V
Hospital Infanta Margarita. Cabra. Córdoba
Scientific Meetings
Information for Authors
Enero-Marzo 2001
Volume 34
Issue 1
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